Laptop Repair Singapore

5 Common Laptop Problems and How to Repair Them

With modernization, the dependence on the gadgets has increased and so have the problems related to them. Over the years there has been tremendous increase and improvement in the overall design, performance and capacity of the computers. The computers are now slimmer, sleeker with more memory and stronger processors. As the demand for better performing computers has increased so has the pressure on its performance. Sometimes this pressure takes a toll on the system. Laptop Repair Singapore is going to discuss some of the common problems that computers face: 

  1. Noisy Fan, Heating that leads to shut down: This is one of the most common problems faced by the laptop users. One of the biggest reasons that owe to this problem is the portability of the laptop. They are prone to be kept anywhere and used at any place. This leads to the entering of dust particles into the air vents.
  • How to Resolve it? One should be very particular about the kind of surface on     which the laptop, the laptop should always be kept on a hard surface and not on any soft surface like beds etc. the soft surfaces tend to block the airways which lets the dust particles enter the device. Do make a habit of cleaning the fans with compressed air. If you run many programs in single sitting, then limit them to some extent, to avoid that extra pressure on the fans

  • Slow laptop: This could be because of not a sufficient storage space or any malware attack or due to some hardware related issue.

  • How to Resolve it? You should be sure enough that the amount of memory in your device is sufficient for your type of work, if not, then have additional memory. Always have an updated ant-virus or antimalware in your system to avoid any problem related to these. Moreover, you can go through Laptop Repair Singapore, to speed up your system.

  • Short Battery Life: The biggest boon of a laptop is that you do not have to connected to power all the time, but this boons sometimes takes the shape of fear, because even with this advantage we tend to constantly charge our laptops in fear of not losing it at crucial times, without realising that this does more harm than any good.

  • How to Resolve it? Like we need a good sleep to feel rejuvenated. The same is true for the laptops as well. Try to leave your laptop in such a way that it is completely drained of its charge and then try charging. This technique works great for a lot of devices. Even after this your laptop is not charging or holding the charge then you may need a battery replacement.

  • Frequently Losing your Internet Connection: Being connected to the Internet is practically everything these days and if your laptop is frequently losing its internet connection, then that is something highly undesirable. But it is not necessarily because of some high-end hardware or software failure. It could be because of something really basic.

  • How to Resolve it? Try these basic steps like you may have forgotten to switch ON the power or connection button that is responsible for connecting you to the network. The next thing you will have to do is drain all the power techniques we discussed above yet again, reboot your router and then try to use it. You might even need to troubleshoot your network from the control panel and then try to re-establish the connection from the very starting.

  • An Unresponsive Screen: Sometimes what happens is that you switch On the laptop, hear it starting and everything sounds normal but what you get is a black unresponsive screen.

  • How to Resolve it? In such a situation you must remove your laptop from power connection, then remove its battery. Next thing you should do is hold the power button roughly for 30 seconds, then without putting the battery back, plug in your laptop and reboot it. Then you will attach the battery back to its place and then reboot. 

Most of the laptop users are generally aware of the above techniques, but in case you’re not then our Laptop Repair Singapore blog is happy to enhance your knowledge about your machine. Laptop Repair Singapore techniques that we discussed above may not be highly technical, these are just very basic of any electronic device, that work in a number situations and that too successfully. One must always be aware of his or her laptop, it should never be used recklessly. Taking care of your electronics is just like taking care of your body, the more you look after them, the better they will be able to serve you.