Turning Bricked Phone into Unbricked

What is a Bricked Phone in the first place? Is it a brand, or a new version? No, a phone is said to be bricked when an Android phone does not turn on. Is it possible to unbrick a phone, the answer is yes, this article is all about unbricking your phone. But before we get to know about Where to take your bricked phone for repair? we will learn about the reasons that turn a phone into a bricked phone.

When a phone does not turn on at all it is termed as hard bricked so if a phone turns on but does not function after that then it is called a soft-bricked phone. The latter may boot to the recovery mode and may even become stagnant at the start screen, this problem you will usually encounter when you try to install a custom ROM and you forget to erase the data previously on it, in such a situation the phone will get tangled in the loop of the boot program. There can be some other reasons as well which will play their role in making your phone a bricked phone like:

  • When important updates do not install in the way they should have installed.
  • When system files go missing or get corrupted, these both can contribute to making your phone a bricked phone.
  • Now if your files or the system files got corrupted then there is a possibility that you downloaded Malware or by any other means gave Malware access to your system.
  • When there is a problem at the root of your android device.
  • There is some major physical damage or the phone that you got, already has defective hardware, then also your phone can go bricked.

Above we tried to understand the problem of Bricked phones and the reasons that contribute or become reasons for it, now we will shift our focus to Where to take your bricked phone for repair? Will even discuss the ways you can unbrick your phone.

  1. First thing you can do to unbrick your phone by taking out its battery and then inserting the battery in the phone. After that plug the phone with the power supply, this step will assure that battery is not the reason for the bricked phone.
  2. The next thing you can do is to take help from the manufacturers, if your device is under the warranty then the manufacturer will replace your device without any extra penny charged. But if you have installed any side applications then that might cause the warranty to get void.
  3. If your phone has suffered any kind of damage that you think could be the reason that your phone became bricked then it is better to take the phone to a professional repair shop
  4. If your device has suffered any water-related damage, that is if you accidentally dropped your phone in water and after that, it became nonfunctional then the first thing you must do is remove the battery to avoid any further damage. Remove the sim card as well so that as a result of the damage you do not lose your contacts
  5. If your phone is starting on in a normal way only the screen is appearing black then that is the problem of the display. It does not mean that your phone is non-functional.
  6. If your phones start off normally but soon become unresponsive then you need to reboot your phone in order to unbrick it. For that, you must press the power+home button simultaneously. Though, the process could be different on different phones. To know that you can refer to the manual that you receive with the phone during purchase.
  7. Sometimes cleaning the cache also does the trick, for this, you must perform the booting in the recovery mode and then select wipe cache partition then again reboot the system. Removing unnecessary files can sometimes help to a great extent.
  8. Restore the device by factory setting it. This one thing that works probably every time. Factory setting brings back the device into its initial stage. You must be careful that while performing factory settings you should back up your important data lest you will end up losing it in the process.

We hope that the above steps will help you answer your question about Where to take your bricked phone for repair?