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Things You Should Not Believe While Buying A Phone Online

These days online is actually more in fashion than offline shopping. In today’s blog – mobile shop Singapore we are going to provide our readers with a total of 9 things you should not believe while buying a phone online. These are some of the most common points one must consider when doing online mobile shopping. So let’s get started by stating our first point: 

Don’t focus much on DxOMark ratings while deciding photo quality:

DxOMark ratings

If you are wondering what we are talking about then don’t worry and keep reading our blog – mobile shop Singapore. Basically DxOMark rating is another marketing jargon used by brands. It is actually to make buyers believe that their phone has the best camera. Therefore these ratings are not 100% reliable. You will be surprised to know that while in test labs it could, the results tend to vary greatly in real life and you can notice the difference almost instantly.

Don’t fall for celebrity posts of phones on social media:


The verdicts of the celebrities or models is something you should definitely ignore as they paid to say all that stuff. Surprised? But that’s the truth! Reviews by  ‘popular’ influencers on social media websites (and apps) like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are mostly paid. Instagram is supposedly the most favorite platform considered for the promotion purpose. Therefore believing can prove to be a big mistake.

Don’t believe everything told while buying a phone online:

It has been often seen that people are buying phones online because they fall for flash sales and lucrative discounts. You might still find about a section of users who still remain kind of unsure about ordering phones online. In order to make a wise purchase they often tend to decide about their next smartphone purchase online and reach the nearest retail store armed with all knowledge about specs and price.

Don’t always believe reviews on e-commerce websites:

mobile shop singapore

You must be considering the online reviews to be honest whenever considering something to purchase but beware! As they are not completely the truth. They are influenced by some brands who either try to hide negative reviews or show paid reviews. 

Benchmark test results mean very little:

Benchmark test

You must have noticed that whenever you look for a purchase then something you are sure to stumble upon is the product’s top performance and battery results flashing on the top. Another disappointing fact about these results is that the more you use the phone, these benchmark scores fall. There are some brands that even fudge benchmark scores, hence, it is highly recommended that they don’t focus on benchmark test results much.

Don’t decide which phone to buy based on market share and shipment reports from research firms:

Don’t make a purchase just because the smartphone belongs to some popular brand does not mean that the device is going to be fulfilling all your demands as you should remember that you are not buying the company but a certain handset from the company.

Don’t focus on key USPs of a smartphone that are advertised, remember you need a good overall phone:

Whenever choosing a device in the market, always consider all its features rather than falling just for it’s USP’s. As a smart customer you are not expected to buy different phones for better battery, performance or camera respectively. Hence it is not recommended to buy a device just because the device comes with a unique camera feature or simply has better battery life or any one particular USP as there are chances that the other features of the smartphone which are considered essential and which are not being highlighted by the brand may not be up to mark.

Don’t blindly believe durability claims and tests of smartphones:

durability claims and tests of smartphones

The last thing that we want to bring to your notice in this blog –  mobile shop Singapore is that brands go all the way in promoting durability of their smartphones and you should avoid relying on them. One must always remember that all glass phones break and if there is no IP68 water resistance rating then it is not safe to be used wet. Staying closer to the reality will help you make a smart judgement regarding your purchase and save you from making a foolish financial decision.

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