Points to Be Noted While Buying 16GB Flash Drives & 32GB Flash Drives

Flash Drives have become the most commonly used additional data storage device in the current world. Flash drives have a better edge against floppy disk drives due to the speed, capacity of storage, portability, cost etc.

It is important to know the purpose of buying or usage of your pen drive. If you think you will be using the pen drives only for back up and storage use, then it is recommended to go for a pen drive that is less expensive. At the same time, if you seriously rely on the these drives for data for your business or corporate meetings, then it is always recommended to go for a reliable flash drive or pen drive.

Based on the storage requirement, you can either go for 16GB or 32GB flash. If you decide to store huge video files, pictures, audio files, then it is better to for 32GB drive instead of 16GB drive as you can add more files any time to a 32GB drive. The cost of the flash drive is again based on the storage capacity. So, cost is another factor that you need to keep in mind when you go to purchase the 16GB and 32GB pen drives. If you find a 32GB drive at a cheaper rate, then you must also understand that the standard of quality. A 32GB pen drive that is faster, sturdy with encryption will definitely cost you more. Most of the manufactures give life time warranty for 16GB and 32GB pen drives.

Transfer rate of data is another important factor that you need to check on 16GB and 32GB flash. Everyone would prefer for the flash drive that is much faster with no second thought. However, you must again check on the cost of these flash drives with high speed. If you have huge files like video or pictures, then you must go for high speed 16GB flash drives and 32GB. If not, you can go for nominal speed transmission rate. For example, 16GB and 32GB drives will take more than 70 seconds to transfer about 700 MB data at 10 MB per second. If you go for 16GB and 32GB drives with transfer rate of 20 MB per second, then the total time taken to copy or write 700 MB of data will be only 35 seconds. When you look at the pack of 16GB drives and 32GB, if you do not find the speed in the description area, then be rest assured that the 16GB and 32GB drives is of low speed transmission only.

16GB and 32GB Drives are also available in various wacky designs. However, these drives are expensive comparatively though they come with the same speed and quality except for the design. Another important point that I would like to inform you right here is about losing the pen drive cap. Especially in cheap pen drives, the cap tends to be slow and finally you will loose the pen drive cap. Always check with people who have already bought the flash drive or you can also read the reviews on the internet to understand and know the quality of the product.

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