How to Fix FIFA 14 Crashes?

This article contains workarounds to help fix FIFA 14 crashes on Windows 8/ 7/ Vista and XP. The tips and tweaks included in this article have already helped many users.

Check Hardware Requirements

There are some predefined hardware requirements in the ReadMe file. Your computer must have all of them installed in order to play the game.

  • Operating System: Windows 8/ 7/ Vista Service Pack 1
  • Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 1.8 GHz
  • 2 GB of Memory
  • 8 GB of Free Hard Disk Space
  • 3D Accelerated and Pixel Shader supported Video Card and DirectX Compatible Audio Card

Update Origin

Origin needs to be updated as follows:

  1. Launch Origin user interface.
  2. Right click the game entry, choose “Check for update”.

Provide Administrative Rights to Origin File

The origin file could be facing compatibility problems with the operating system. Windows provides a way to deal with compatibility problems.

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Press F3 key to locate Search.
  3. Type “Origin.exe” in the Search box.
  4. Press ENTER.
  5. Right click the file from the Search Results, select Properties.
  6. Click Compatibility tab, check-up “Run this program in compatibility mode for” checkbox and choose an earlier Windows version.
  7. Click OK.

Change FifaSetup_Default.ini Settings

This file contains default configurations. In this file you’ll find two strings related to your computer’s screen resolution. Check if the screen resolution mentioned in the file matches with your current screen resolution. If it doesn’t, make appropriate modifications in the file.

  1. Open My Computer, press F3 and search for “fifasetup_default.ini” file.
  2. Right click the file in the search results and open it with Notepad.
  3. Click Edit | Find, search for “RESOLUTIONWIDTH” and “RESOLUTIONHEIGHT”:
  4. Replace existing values with appropriate width and height.
  5. Click File | Save and then exit.

Resolve Data Execution Prevention Conflicts

Sometimes DEP conflicts with your game. It prevents the smooth running of the executable file. Add the game file to the list of DEP Excluded Items as follows:

  1. Right click My Computer, select Properties.
  2. Click Advanced System Settings in the left hand side panel.
  3. A new dialog opens with Advanced tab opened.
  4. Click the Settings button under Performance frame.
  5. Click the Data Execution Prevention tab, the last one.
  6. Choose “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select”, click Add and locate the following EXE files:
  7. C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesFIFA 14Gamefifa14.exe
  8. C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesFIFA 14Gamefifa14.exe
  9. Click OK twice.

Re-register Game Components

Game components such as DLL files and server settings need to be re-registered. This will fix FIFA 14 crashes.

1. Click Start, type “Command Prompt” in the Search Box.

2. It’ll appear in the Search Results.

3. Right click it, select Run as administrator.

4. Type following commands one by one. Press ENTER after each command ends.

regsvr32 atl.dll


ehSched /unregServer

ehSched /service

ehRecvr /unregServer

ehRecvr /service

ehRec.exe /unregServer

ehRec.exe /regserver

ehmsas.exe /unregServer

ehmsas.exe /regserver

5. Close the Command Prompt dialog.

Reset Folder Permissions

There is a possibility that the FIFA 14 folder may not have enough administrative permissions. When this is the case, you will provide read/ write permissions to the folder and all of its contents (sub folders, files).

  1. Open C:Program Files (x86).
  2. Right click FIFA14, select Properties.
  3. Click Sharing | Advanced Sharing | Permissions.
  4. Check-up “Full Control” and click OK.

Delete User Preferences

The user preferences are stored in a separate folder called as “FIFA 14” which is located in the My Documents folder. Due to corruption of these files, you are experiencing FIFA 14 crashes.

  1. Open My Documents.
  2. Delete the folder “FIFA 14” to the Recycle Bin.

Note: DO NOT delete it permanently.Just in case the crashes are still occurring, we can easily restore it.

The best way is to download FIFA 14 Crash-Fix. Install and run the downloaded program, conduct full scan and repair the problem automatically.

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