10 Reasons Why Regular Network Administration and Housekeeping is So Important

Data storage housekeeping is an essential part of the process for keeping systems running smoothly. Below are 10 reasons why regular network administration and housekeeping is so important:

1. Backup administration: it is important for all networks to be properly backed up, but the back up process can be in a compressed for off site and off server so that redundant data does not slow down the day to day operation of network systems.

2. Anti-virus updates: for obvious reasons, anti-virus software has to be updated but the continual updating gradually uses up an inordinate amount of space on hard drives. Removing anti virus software and reinstalling the updated version can free up space on hard drives.

3. Operating system updates: updates that are regularly loaded and then installed use up more space on hard drives than the latest updated version of an operating system. It is advisable for operating systems to be reviewed and renewed so that the debris from past updates can be safely removed to free-up space.

4. Old archive data: many organisations archive work in process that often has no relevance to the finished product especially years later. It is usually the fear that data may one day be required that ensures its continual storage, but if it is not to be destroyed then it should be compressed and stored in a separate offline storage facility that does not affect the day to day running of your network.

5. Data storage: the issue surrounding data storage is full of myths and legends but a reasonable level of data storage is advisable. However, it is easy for data storage to use up so much space that the cost of the storage far outweighs its possible value. Of course, items to do with HM Customs & Revenue need to be securely stored but old projects, long out of date can and should be quietly deleted.

6. Email boxes: many network systems offer a means of distributing mail to individual mail boxes. When individuals leave an organisation, the mail boxes are often forgotten and gradually fill up with mail and a great deal of junk all, of which, uses up precious space on servers.

7. Disused software: regular housekeeping should make note of programs that can slow down a system through background operation and yet are entirely not used or needed. The removal of those programs should be a priority.

8. Anti-virus programs: it has been mentioned above that anti virus programs leave a lot of update debris but it should also be noted that often anti virus programs that are believed to have been uninstalled to allow for a new program, in effect, often still retain a background presence on hard drives and should be removed.

9. Time saving: even with sophisticated computer systems, individuals misname and misfile documents. Once an item has been archived then it will be almost impossible to find if hidden within the wrong folder. Before items are archived, documents should be checked for relevance and filed correctly. It is very easy for an archive to have over one million documents and if an item is misfiled a lot of time is wasted trying to retrieve it.

10. KITS: keep it tidy, Sam and then when you are sick or away on holiday it is possible for another person to find all the information and material you’ve been working on, easily. Individuals, unless coerced, often have their own private files and means of storage for easy personal access. Often, these files are password protected and are therefore inaccessible when the individual is away or sacked from a position. Squirreling of files should be discouraged.