Tips To Save On MacBook Air Repair Costs

6 Tips To Save On MacBook Air Repair Costs

Doesn’t matter how hard you try to be the world’s most careful MacBook user, but accidents still happen. And when they do, you have to spend hundreds or even thousands on repairs. However, the repair cost always depends on the type and level of the damage. For example, if there’s a crack on the screen you have to spend less on MacBook Air repair if it is still under warranty. 

Damage Under Warranty

MacBooks generally come with one-year warranty coverage. This warranty covers damage caused by manufacturer defects. It means that if you drop your MacBook Air and the glass shatters, the warranty will not cover it. The warranty may comfort you but it but you’re not actually protected from accidents. This clearly means that the damages you have caused will be paid out of your pocket.

Protection With AppleCare+

The original warranty on MacBook Air by Apple doesn’t cover any accidents but AppleCare+ does. This plan extends the warranty for up to 3 years from the date of the original date of purchase. The main difference between these two warranty plans is that with AppleCare+ you get coverage for up to 2 accidental incidents too. Just remember, during a three-year period, you’re covered just for two incidents. Any other accidents mean that you will be paying the full repair costs.

Apple Certified technician

Whoever you want to have your Mac fixed, ensure they are Apple Certified. Apple Certified technicians will provide you with a correct diagnosis and experience fixing every Mac. Just like you wouldn’t be taking your Mercedes car to a BMW professional for repair don’t go to any unauthorized person for MacBook Air repair. Apple Certified technicians are widely informed for REP (repair extension programs) or Apple recalls that are common. You may end up spending more money on repair work.

Do not compromise on the quality

If you accidentally drop your MacBook Air on a concrete hard floor, there are high chances of the screen getting cracked. It may need a replacement. There could be times when some or other part of the Mac Air stops working and need to be replaced. It would be great if the original parts are used after replacement. Using duplicate parts may cause further damage and you have to spend more on the repair. So, don’t compromise on the quality in order to save a few bucks now you may have to pay twice or thrice of it, later.

Ask for special discounts or offers

There are big stores that provide some offer or discount on repair work. You can check their websites or ask them for any kind of promotion or discount availability. It’s all right to ask for a discount just don’t be too clingy or too extreme.

Fix the logic board, rather than replacing it

Fixing the faulty logic board could save you hundreds of dollars, compared to buying a new logic board for Mac Air. It is the best approach because the average cost varies from $600-1200 for a replacement of the logic board. Ensure you check that when exploring options for MacBook Air repair.

Apple repairs are costly and require lots of expertise to do it right. We at Digital Hospital strive to perform all MacBook Air repair work with convenience and efficiency. Our technicians are well-trained and equipped with necessary tools to deal with any Mac Air issues very efficiently.