myhalo x CapitaLand Project Green

Event Date: 14th-April – 1st May 2023, Daily, 11:00AM – 9:00PM
Event Venue: 1st Floor, Bugis Junction

myhalo is excited to announce our upcoming event, “CapitaLand Project Green,” aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and raising awareness about the importance of buying pre-owned devices to reduce e-waste and lighten our carbon footprint. The event will take place from 14th April to 1st May 2023 at the 1st floor of Bugis Junction. We warmly welcome everyone to participate in this event and contribute towards creating a greener future.

“CapitaLand Project Green” is an initiative that focuses on creating a sustainable future by encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices and learn about how the purchase & use of pre-owned devices can play a major role in reducing the e-waste & helps envision a world where Mother Earth can breathe easier without the electronic burden. We believe that working together can create a more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

The event will feature a range of activities, including –

  1. Learn, Play & Win Games – Get Free Nano-coating.
  2. Bring your used device for Upcycling – To get a $30 voucher.
  3. Take a pledge – Get a Free Wireless Mouse.
  4. Buying accessories & In-circulation of devices.

Visitors can participate in various engaging activities, such as playing and winning games to get Free Nano-coating, learning about the problem of e-waste, the role of pre-owned devices in reducing it, and the e-Clutter program, which involves bringing items for upcycling to get a $30 voucher. Additionally, they can take a pledge to reduce e-waste and get a free wireless mouse & much more.

The event is a fantastic opportunity to network with every individual and organization who wants to work towards a greener future. It also provides an opportunity to learn about the consequences of e-waste and the positive impact that reducing e-waste can have on the environment. We believe that everyone has a role in creating a sustainable future. By making small changes in our purchasing practices, we can make a big difference in reducing e-waste and creating a greener planet.

We invite everyone to participate in this exciting event and take the first step towards a sustainable future. For more information about the event, please visit our website

Let’s All Move Towards A Zero e-Waste World Together!

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