Causes of Data Loss and Data Recovery

If you are wondering what is data recovery, then this section is particularly for you because in data recovery Singapore we are going to explore in detail what are the ways by which you are likely to lose upon your data from your device and what is data recovery process. So let’s get started.

What causes data loss?

There are numerous causes that can cause data loss from your device and it is a serious problem for any business as losing file means losing time and money to restore or recover the information which was actually very essential for the organization. Data loss basically happens when your data is accidentally deleted or something causes data to become corrupted. Such a situation can have a lasting impact on the entire financial health of the organization. It is important to understand that some kind of data are recoverable but this process often requires guidance from IT professionals. Let’s discuss what can be the reasons for data loss.

Human error: it is one of the common reasons as everyone makes mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are really big. But these big unintentional mistakes or deletion of data files can really cause harm to your business. To prevent encountering such situations it is better to train employees about data handling as well.

Viruses and malware: these are also one of the common culprits of data loss as when asked from people about losing data the first, what comes to the mind is an attack of virus or malware in their device. The best way to save your device against viruses and malware is to have a proper antivirus software installed in your laptop or desktop.
Hard drive damage: although the above 2 discussed causes are common but majority of the data loss actually occurs due to hardware mal-functioning in which hardware damage is a major one. There are chances of your hard drive getting damaged if the computer overheats which may be caused due to overuse or build-up of dust in the computer. To save your device from such situations it’s important to use your device appropriately and keep your computer away from excessive dust.

Power failure

This also is one of the potential reasons that interrupt business operation can surely shut off software systems down even without a warning. Such a situation can not only result in loss of unsaved data but can also cause existing files to get corrupted due to improper shutdown procedure. Even if there is a chance that you do not lose data during a power failure then an improper shutdown of your system can result in reduced lifespan of your hard drive. The best protection plan against search problems is having a regular automatic system backup.

Computer or laptop theft:

it is a serious concern in any work space if for a small amount of time your laptop or device is left unattended. It is important to understand that such a situation can land you in a situation where you are at risk of losing data and also poses a threat of data breach. Hence in order to avoid any laptop theft in the office building it is important to keep all the devices in a locked room that only employees are authorized to use and have an access to and also during leaving the office premises make sure to have a secure lock up procedure.

Another truth is that all these situations can happen to anyone at any point. How to save yourself? Be familiar with all the data recovery processes. To find out what it actually is, let’s explore a little more about it here.

Basically data recovery is a process of retrieving lost or corrupted or formatted data from secondary storage removable media or file The entire process of data recovery comprises four phases.

Phase 1:

In this you need to repair the hard disk drive to get it running in some form or at least in a stable condition where you are able to read the data from it.

Phase 2:

In this you need to image the drive to a new drive as it is very important to get the data of the drive in the first place.

Phase 3:

This step comprises logical recovery of files in order to attempt the retrieval of lost data.

Phase 4:

Repair damaged files which were retrieved from the damage drive.


With the help of the above information about data recovery Singapore, you must have understood how important it is to wisely handle your data.

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