Why Is It Not Possible To Easily Recover Data On A Hard Drive That Is Overwritten?

Many people may think that data are missing and a professional can still perform Raid data recovery or hard disk recovery. In reality, the data has not been removed. A computer hard drive does not know how to locate the data. The information, which tells your computer where to locate the data, is missing. This is also the reason why the best professionals who perform laptop data recovery or hard disk data recovery cannot locate important files after a drive has been reformatted.

How do professionals find information to perform hard disk recovery if you have not reformatted a drive and had it overwritten? These hard disk drives store information magnetically and do not require anyone monitoring the information on the drive. Those strings of data in eight 1’s and 0’s may look like gibberish, but a hard drive can use those 1’s and 0’s to keep stored data separate.

Hard drives use magnetism to store Information

Similar to a car battery, hard drives have magnets that have a plus and minus pole. The poles represent the binary code 1 and 0 is a computer uses. The HDD storage unit or platter contains a ferromagnetic surface and divides the binary codes into magnetic regions, called magnetic domains. Data is stored by the direction of the magnetism of these domains. The magnetic domains are magnetised in one of two directions and represent a 1 or 0.

Data is stored in two ways on a HDD unit. Before 2005, this data was recorded parallel to the disk surface, meaning the binary code was either recorded with left or right magnetism. This type of recording was called longitudinal recording. Around 2005 and later, this magnetism used to record binary code has been used to record segments being recorded vertically and perpendicular; it is called perpendicular recording. It adds a layer to the recording process and the magnetic domains are stored closer together.

Why your computer cannot find your file and what happens when data is overwritten

You cannot find your file and sometimes, you take your computer into a professional who is skilled in laptop data recovery or hard disk recovery and they cannot find your files either. If your data has been overwritten, the best professional in the world, even if they are good at Raid data recovery, cannot help you.

Your computer may not find data because it has written over the stored data. The files are located using a table on your computer and rather than delete the information in the file, your computer marks the space where the file is as vacant. By doing this, it is able to write over the existing data and this is why the best Raid data recovery specialist or hard disk recovery professional cannot retrieve your files. The operating system writes over old data with new data, essentially deleting it.

Laptop data recovery is a long shot after data is overwritten

Your information may be recoverable if it has been overwritten. If data has been overwritten, the magnetic domains are changed through re-magnetization. The process is not reversible and it is slim recovering data because it would require the use of a magnetic force microscope.