Advantages and Disadvantages of Local and Remote Data Backup

Whether you run a small or big enterprise, data backup is an essential routine that you should do to protect all your data. It is for the security of your business. The process of backing up your data can be done remotely through a file server, or locally using tapes, discs, DVDs, external hard drive, or the local drive.

There are advantages and disadvantages of local and remote data backups. Here are a few:


Local Backup

One very effective way of backing up your data would be to store them in portable storage devices. These include CD’s, USB’s, DVD’s, external hard drive, and the local hard drive among others, where you could easily retrieve the data that you want to access. Local data backup is an advantage because it could be done fast and easy especially now that there are software that could backup your computer and all your files on schedule. Once your computer crashes, all your files could be retrieved from your storage devices and so too does your operating system where you could restore it at a specific backup point. This is mostly used by most individuals and some small business enterprise.

Remote Backup

Remote backup nowadays is becoming widely used because of some advantages. First, having a data backup at a secure place outside of your infrastructure or your business place can give you peace of mind. Whatever happens at the workplace you’re sure that all your important files are secured. Most of the big companies employ this method of data backup. Second, with the emergence of global outsourcing, remote data backup has become more popular because the data from multinational companies are safe and secured at their own site (that is in their country), while these are being utilized by their offshore sites. They have an assurance that all their data are secured.


Local Backup

While local data backup is the easiest and fastest way of data backup, there are also disadvantages to it. You are never sure of any calamity that could happen, like fire for instance, or flood. Not only could your computer be ruined by these calamities, but all your storage devices as well that contains your data backup. In addition, it is not uncommon that we forget things sometimes. You never know, you may forget where you store your USB’s. Your files may be lost forever.

Remote Backup

One disadvantage of storing your files remotely is the transfer speed. Remote data backup may take a while depending on the speed of your transmission devices. A high speed LAN could transmit fast, but others could be problematic, because of upload issues and firewalls.

A good suggestion is you employ both local and remote backup so you’re sure, that against all the odds, you have your data secured.