These days having an electronic is not a show-off kind of thing, it is more like a necessity. Especially if we consider this pandemic time where literally everything went online, having gadgets has an utmost necessity. But it is also true that the casual way in which we use our gadgets, whether they be laptops, desktops, or mobile phones, we are bound to face some problems related to our devices. Sometimes, they fall or sometimes we spill something on them, the problems that follow after these are enough to make us go crazy. We get tense not because of the problem but because of how on earth will they be rectified. In that case, the first thing that crosses our mind is going to their respective service centers, but then the cost which will be incurred is very high. In such a case, third party repairs like a Laptop factory outlet will come to your rescue. Not only they provide a variety of services but at very competitive prices. In this blog we have provided an honest and closely analyzed Laptop factory outlet review:

- Full-Body Check-Up: When you take your device to Laptop Factory Outlet, the first thing they do is check the device externally for any dents, scratches or cracks, and any other kind of deformity. If they find or notice one, they will notify you.
- Screen Check: If it is a desktop or laptop, they will check for the condition of the display, and if the device is some desktop, laptop, or mobile which is touch screen enabled then they will check the display as well as the responsive nature of the touchscreen, as to how much time does the screen takes to response on one touch?
Power button - Checking the Power Button: Next thing on the checklist is the power button, which is checked in order to make sure that its working condition is perfectly fine and there are no loose connections. Along with the power button, the volume buttons are also checked to ensure their working condition as well.
- Charging ports: The charging ports are checked next to ensure that they are in perfect working conditions.
- Checking the Wifi connectivity: The wifi connectivity port is checked to ensure its working condition but in the case of some older desktops the ethernet connection will be checked as they might not be equipped with the wifi facility.
- Bluetooth: The Bluetooth connectivity and its range are also checked to make sure it is working the way it should.
Network carrier - Network Carrier and Connectivity: The next service that we are going to talk about is the Network Carrier and Connectivity. This functionality is checked for mobile phones or tablets where a sim card is inserted and the network offered by that sim card is checked in terms of range and strength of the signal. This facility is checked in tandem with checking the wifi connectivity as well because a sim card’s network can also offer wifi in terms of hotspots.
- Lock Test: This test is done in terms of face id test or fingerprint test or even the pin test. All these are done in order to check the security features of the phone or tablet.
- Camera Test: This is yet another test done to ensure the working condition of the front camera, rear camera. The camera test also includes the testing of the flashlight.
Microphone - Mic Test: next on the list is the testing of the mike along with speaker quality during the video calls. The varied tests in different situations and conditions ensure the optimum performance of the mike.
By our honest Laptop Factory Outlet Review, you must have understood that the services provided are customer-friendly, by our analysis we found that it won’t be wrong to say that it is one the best third party options. Moreover, you will get the authentic and original product for any kind of replacement. They not only service the electronics product but also deal in refurbished laptops, they also accept laptops, give it the necessary makeover and then deal with that also. They not only believe in healing your gadget related problem but also do their bit in preserving the environment. Another positive thing is they will also make you understand the depth of the problem of your device and tell you the way it will be dealt with.