
Which smartphone breaks down the most?

Surprised by the heading? Yes, this time let us shall assess different models of smartphones depending upon their breakdown reports, error reports, and the complaints that are posted by different users based on the experience with their respective smartphones. Breaking down a device does not depend on the models they come from, because at the end of the day they are machines that can break down at any time. What makes the difference, is how well these things can be managed at the time of manufacturing. So here, while discussing the Apple vs. Samsung smartphones we will look in detail at what are the common problems that users of these phones encounter and what it takes to repair these smartphones.

There are a number of factors that are required or are considered when a Phone is assessed, for example, most of us would consider that Apple’s iPhones are near perfection but you are highly mistaken because this is a fact that is based on a number of real-life experiences that Apple’s phones suffer from major battery issues. In the same way, Samsung’s phones which are like ruling the market of smartphones have their own established problem with their speakers and microphones, similarly, when we see Nokia that one’s who are the trendsetter in the mobile world have their own issues relating to the slow interface, we do not know about the sophistication which was actually intended but Nokia’s smartphones have not made that a big market which anyone expected from them, Another tech giant who in the will of being really sophisticated actually loaded their phones with useless apps that decreased the overall performance of the phone.

Apple Vs Samsung

But if we are to choose between Apple vs. Samsung smartphones then obviously the Apple’s phones are far better than Samsung and Samsung’s phones are much better than Nokia and Nokia is much better than Motorola. If we try to look at these phones individually then we would see that Motorola has the lowest share in the market when compared to the rest three brands and yes, the error reports are the maximum for Motorola. The problems also see a wide range like there are problems with the Motorola brand in terms of their faulty hardware, sluggish touch screen response and also there are a number of complaints about the camera quality and not to forget the microphone issues. This is a major problem amongst others that have had the maximum mention in the error reports from Motorola users.

The next that we are going to talk about Apple vs. Samsung smartphones is the brand Nokia, this brand introduced the smartphone with windows operating system, this was a combination of bane and boon, the vast ecosystem of windows was not handled the way it should be, there were constant reports of the phone being slow, this was probably due to the vast windows platform, next which became the reason for downgrading the popularity of the Nokia’s smartphone was its battery life which was termed as nothing less than poor. All this led to slowly making this brand disappear from the market.

Samsung is one brand that has managed to sustain in the market and rue it to some extent, they are now one of the major smartphone brands across the planet, but all is not perfect with this brand too. One persistent problem within Samsung phones is the problem with their microphones, this is one such issue that managed to seep down to all the models even the sophisticated Galaxy series of Samsung is not left untouched from it. When we discuss Apple vs. Samsung smartphones then we have to say that poor battery life is also one issue that has been reported by the users of Samsung phones.

Apple is one brand that needs no introduction whether it is because of the craze for the brand or the sophistication that comes with it whatever it may be but we cannot deny that Apple’s iPhones are nothing less than a dream for a lot of people but like nothing is perfect so even Apple has its loopholes like the battery life is one major issue that is talked by the users of this phone.

As we discussed above Apple vs. Samsung smartphones, we can only find a better version of the smartphone but not something that can satisfy us in every respect. We have to prioritize our needs and then decide what and to choose from.

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