Liquid Spillage on Laptop: A HELPFUL POST

Water or liquid spillage on electronic devices is a typical problem all of us have to face at least once in a lifetime. We are well aware of the fact that electricity and liquid don’t mix well. Despite the common occurrence, we cannot rule out the potential damage it can cause us as well as the device. Especially when the device is as important as our laptop, which is an essential part of our everyday life. Now, what to do with liquid spillage on the laptop? Let’s learn a little about tackling such spills on your laptop.

Step1: Unplugging the device.

The first thing to do is to prevent any further damage to the device. Therefore, make sure to unplug your laptop from any electrical source. It is better to turn off your laptop as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the regular shut down procedure, if required, hold the power button to shut it down faster. As laptops have electricity running through them from the moment they’re turned on. Thus, if the device is connected to an electrical source, it can increase the chances of a short circuit. Therefore, your priority should be regarding unplugging and shutting down the device.

Step2: Removing excess liquid.

Prevent extra liquid from entering the laptop by removing it from the surface. But, don’t try to remove anything you have plugged in the laptop like pen drive, mouse, etc. Removing them will expose the ports and make them prone to liquid damage. Carefully try to wipe your device with a dry tissue or lint-free cloth without letting it creep into laptop crevices. Now, try to soak up the extra liquid that may have gotten into the removable devices.

Step3: Overturn the device:

Turn your laptop upside down to get rid of excess liquid out. This helps get rid of water particles trapped inside your keyboard. Since the keyboard can provide an alternative route to essential parts of the laptop. Therefore, overturning your laptop will ensure the trapped liquid particles come out of the device.

Step4: Try to remove remaining trapped particles.

To prevent the device from any permanent damage, try to remove as much water as you can. For better results, you can use a can of compressed air or a hairdryer. These can easily get excess water out without causing any harm to the laptop. Although, it is preferable to set hairdryers at the lowest temperature to avoid any heat damage to the device.

Step5: Leave it to dry.

After going through all the above steps, leave your laptop to dry overnight. It will allow the remaining water to evaporate. But don’t leave it stranded in direct sunlight. Make sure that every part (especially the battery) is thoroughly dried before reinstalling anything.

Step6: Save time and effort:

Time is crucial in saving your device. Therefore, if you feel the situation is beyond your control or it is impossible to get the water out. Don’t wait for any further and contact our laptop repair service centre ASAP. The water stuck in the deep crevices of the laptop can be easily removed by us. We have machines like a vacuum chamber that makes the task easier. Moreover, we have ample experience dealing with such accidents and saving devices.

Remember, spillage accidents don’t imply the end of your device with timely intervention. But with the help of this guide, you can help salvage the situation till the time you get in touch with our repair services. Feel free to seek help from our competent technicians.

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