Apple is the largest IT Company with strong foot holding in the gadget world. Apple iPhone is amongst the best smartphones in the world.

Apple launches newer versions of these phones every year. But the hefty price tags attached to them are enough to ward off potential buyers. And no matter how careful we try to be, everyone drops their phones now and then.

Moreover, after such an occurrence, if your device is in the need of necessary repair, more monetary input can be scary for faint-hearted individuals.

The consequences of a drop can either result in minor blemishes or so extensive damage that it becomes very hard to see the screen or use the iPhone. Various options are available for Apple screen repair. The following points indicate those options.

Read on to know more!

Types of screen damage

When it comes to iPhone screen damage, the issues can range from superficial to severe, affecting not just the aesthetics but also the functionality of your device.

Understanding the type of damage can help in determining the most appropriate repair solution. Here are three common types of screen damage:

1. Cracked glass

One of the most common issues iPhone users face is cracked glass. This type of damage can range from minor scratches to deep cracks that span across the screen.

While minor cracks might not immediately affect your phone’s functionality, they can compromise the structural integrity of the screen, making it more susceptible to further damage.

Deep cracks can also pose a risk to users, as they can lead to sharp edges that might cause injury.

Repair considerations: Minor cracks might be manageable with a screen protector to prevent further damage, but significant cracking usually requires a full screen replacement to restore the phone’s aesthetics and functionality.

2. Lines on the display or flickering

Lines on the display or flickering screens can be indicative of issues beyond just the outer glass layer. These problems can arise from a malfunctioning LCD or OLED beneath the glass, often resulting from a hard drop or impact.

Lines may appear as vertical or horizontal streaks across the display, and flickering can vary from subtle to severe, potentially hindering screen visibility.

Repair considerations: This type of damage typically requires more than just replacing the glass. A comprehensive screen assembly replacement, which includes the LCD or OLED component, is often necessary to resolve these issues.

3. The touch screen not responding or a broken digitizer

The digitizer is the component of your iPhone screen that processes touch. When the digitizer is damaged, you might experience unresponsiveness to touch, or the screen might register touch inaccurately.

This can make it difficult or impossible to use your device, as swiping, tapping, and other touch gestures are integral to the iPhone’s interface.

Repair considerations: Repairing a non-responsive or inaccurately responsive touch screen usually involves replacing the entire screen assembly, as the digitizer is integrated into the screen. It’s crucial to ensure that the replacement part is of high quality to maintain the touch sensitivity and functionality of your device.

Apple iPhone Screen Repair:

iPhone Screen Repair

If you have Applecare:

This situation offers similar perks to an AppleCare extended warranty. In this case, it becomes vital for customers to go directly to Apple instead of using an unauthorized repair service.

Seeking help outside the Apple domain will not only void your standard warranty but also the AppleCare warranty. The AppleCare warranty covers up to two incidents of accidental damage but with a fee for each repair.

The major glitch, in this case, is that the rate of repair is likely more than what other repair shops will charge and you will probably have to live without your phone for a few days.

If your phone is out of warranty:

To be frank, if you don’t have a warranty or insurance cover for your Apple device, you have a lot more options.

There are many low-cost and reliable repair shops which can help you save your money and time. So, if your device is out of warranty or Applecare, you have nothing to lose by seeking the help of a certified reseller.

The only thing to keep in mind is to choose an experienced professional with an excellent reputation for iPhone repair. An unskilled repair person can cause additional damage to your iPhone which can cause more problems with your phone.

Possible ways of prevention and protection

There is probably no foolproof way to safeguard your phones from damage. But you can try to minimize such mishap by adhering to a few simple steps to reduce the likelihood of cracked screens.

  • Phone Cases: Some phone cases offer protection to the screen and some don’t. Therefore, even if the case lacks a screen protector, it can at least provide some safety to the phone and can reduce the possibility of damage to the screen.
  • Screen Protectors: These are like thin, plastic overlays that provide protection to the screen from scratches and minor blemishes and can even offer extra defence against cracks. They can act as good add-ons for the device.
  • AppleCare: Purchasing AppleCare adds to the overall cost of the device but also provides support for up to 2 years.

How much does it cost to replace the screen on iPhone?

The cost of replacing an iPhone screen in Singapore can vary widely, typically ranging from SGD 70 to SGD 600. This broad range is influenced by several factors, including:

  • iPhone model: Newer models, especially those with OLED displays, tend to have higher replacement costs compared to older models with LCD screens.
  • Type of repair service: Official Apple Store repairs and Authorized Service Providers usually charge more but offer genuine parts and warranty. Third-party repair shops might offer more competitive rates but vary in part quality and warranty coverage.
  • Extent of damage: Simple glass replacements might be on the lower end, while issues involving the LCD/OLED or digitizer could push costs higher.
  • Warranty and insurance: If your iPhone is covered by AppleCare+ or a third-party insurance plan, you might be eligible for a reduced repair cost or even a free replacement, subject to the terms of your coverage.

Is it worth it to fix my iPhone screen?

Deciding whether to repair your iPhone screen involves considering several factors.

If the repair cost is significantly lower than the price of a new device, fixing the screen can be a cost-effective choice, especially if your iPhone is relatively new and in good working condition.

For older models that might already be lagging in performance or no longer receiving software updates, investing in a repair might not offer the best value in the long run.

Additionally, if you’re planning to upgrade soon, a repaired screen can improve the resale or trade-in value of your current device.

Repairing an iPhone screen rather than replacing the entire device can contribute to reducing electronic waste. Each repair extends the life of a device, helping to minimize the environmental footprint associated with producing new electronics.

Ultimately, if the repair extends the usable life of your iPhone without breaking the bank, and you’re satisfied with its performance, fixing the screen is often a worthwhile investment.

Concluding Remark

To conclude, it is up to the customer to decide whether to take the traditional route and get it replaced from the Apple store or choose amongst the unconventional alternatives like trying a DIY repair or bringing it to a repair professional in Singapore. Irrespective of the decision you take, it is important to do what’s best for the device.
Check out the iPhone repair services at myhalo Singapore!

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